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Oxford Diecast LD004 Bus & Taxi Set

London Transport Routemaster Bus.

Route 12 'London Evening News' & Black Taxi.


Oxford Diecast 76WM001 Mercedes Ice Cream Van

Whitby Mondial Mercedes Ice Cream Van Walls Ice Cream.


Oxford Diecast 76WE001 Milk Float

Wales & Edwards Standard Milk Float Express Dairy (Late).


Oxford Diecast 76VWB009CC VW Beetle

VW Beetle, Coca-Cola Red/White.


Oxford Diecast 76VWB001 VW Beetle

VW Beetle Pearl White (Herbie).


Oxford Diecast 76TX5002 TX5 Taxi

LEVC TX5 Taxi Tupelo Red.


Oxford Diecast 76TX5001 TX5 Taxi

TX5 LEVC Electric Taxi Black.


Oxford Diecast 76TX4008CC TX5 Taxi

LEVC TX4 Taxi Coca Cola.


Oxford Diecast 76TRAC002 Tractor

Tractor Green.


Oxford Diecast 76TEA002 Tractor

Ferguson TEA Tractor Red .


Oxford Diecast 76SC002 Scooter & Trailer

Scooter & Trailer Union Flag.


Oxford Diecast 76RR3004 Range Rover

Range Rover 3rd Generation Metropolitan Police.


Oxford Diecast 76ROR003B Land Rover

Rail Road Land Rover Defender British Rail.


Oxford Diecast 76ROR002B Land Rover

Rail Road Land Rover Defender Network Rail.


Oxford Diecast 76MN001 Austin Mini

Austin Mini Tartan Red/Union Flag.


Oxford Diecast 76MMT002 Morris Minor

Morris Minor Traveller Trafalgar Blue.


Oxford Diecast 76MMT001 Morris Minor

Morris Minor Traveller Old English White.


Oxford Diecast 76MA002 London Ambulance

Mercedes London Ambulance.


Oxford Diecast 76J4002 Morris J4

Morris J4 Van British Rail.


Oxford Diecast 76FX4001 London Taxi

London Taxi FX4 - Black.


Oxford Diecast 76FT3002 Ford Transit

Ford Transit MkIII Royal Mail.


Oxford Diecast 76FT034 Ford Transit

Ford Transit MkV Parcelforce.


Oxford Diecast 76FT023 Ford Transit

Ford Transit Mk5 LWB High Royal Mail.


Oxford Diecast 76ETYP005 Jaguar E Type

Jaguar E Type Union Flag (Austin Powers).


Oxford Diecast 76ESC004 Ford Escort

Ford Escort Mk2 Police.


Oxford Diecast 76CT001 Citroen 2CV

Citroen 2CV Maroon/Black.


Oxford Diecast 76COR3004 Ford Cortina

Ford Cortina MkIII Devon & Cornwall Police.


Oxford Diecast 76COR2009 Ford Cortina

Ford Cortina MkII Blue Mink.


Oxford Diecast 76COR1001 Ford Cortina

Ford Cortina MkI Ermine White/Green.


Oxford Diecast 76CAV003 Vauxhall Cavalier

Vauxhall Cavalier China Blue.


Oxford Diecast 76CA023 Bedford CA Van

Bedford CA Milk Float Co-op.


Oxford Diecast 76BUG001 Bond Bug

Bond Bug Orange.


Oxford Diecast 76BHF002 Bedford Fire Engine

Bedford WLG Heavy Unit 12 London Fire Brigade.


Oxford Diecast 76AQ001 Audi Quattro

Audi Quattro Tornado Red.


Oxford Diecast 76AUS007 Austin 1300

Austin 1300 Limeflower.


We stock a large selection of Oxford Diecast, Corgi Trackside, and other OO scale vehicles needed to bring your layout to life.

We can also get to order, EFE, Original Omnibus, Classix, Corgi & Oxford Diecast in other scales, so if you are looking for something, either current or discontinued, please give us a call or email.

We offer a 10% discount on pre-order items - that is new items ordered in advance of their release, or items that we do not have in stock but are available from the suppliers.

Give us a try, we might be able to get just what you are looking for!

Items are in descending numerical order.